Thoughts on Leaving

I imagine
Sometime in the future
I will pass
Across the event horizon
In a comfortable slide
Best case?

I would like to believe
The flatline
Would be preceded
With golden arches

Long ago memories
To brains still in infancy

I close my eyes
As the window opens
Biscuits and coffee
Easily ride slipstreams
Into transports
Early mornings
Ill fitted uniforms
Hanging on skinny frames
Red and tan tiles
Chocolate cake
Packed into grout
Dollar cheeseburgers
Extra chromosomes
Handling fries
Grannies kneading dough

Then the window closes
In tandem
With my own lids

I imagine
Sometime in the near future
The ghost gives up
The trip down
River Styx
Finding myself
Inhaling deeply
As the window opens
One last time