Our Common Pulse

The weight of repetition
It’s a funny thing
In your youth
It’s the spark
But if i am being honest
The older I get the heavier it becomes

Doing the heavy lifting
In cylindrical fashion
In the land of Karoshi

As a collective
One trembling giant
Drawing breaths
On commutes
And then exhaling
As we sliding down dinosaur tails

We have found our prevailing thread
But the world is a lot less shiny
Than we originally envisioned

My years are now marked
By the path of the Sun
Which tracks across the sky
Dancing with the solstices and equinoxes
Playing through side windows
And front windshields
On long drives
To places that help ensure
Guaranteed survival
Across multiple decades

If we are favored
We get pleasure
From the drudgery and servitude

If we are forgotten
We get open sores that rankle
Teasing us into states of vexation

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