Gripping at Great Vessels

Worry lives
In places
Where I have packed it
Tight, out of sight
But it sits
Like a fennel seed
From the breakfast sausage
Between my molars
Ratcheting pressure

Worry thrives
In the darkness
Through eyes peering
At popcorn ceilings

It builds
Playlands of unease
Where worry and fear
Dine on brunch together
Deep in the marrow
Of our bones

The future sucker punches
Into my belly
Hazy, focused punches
Knocking air
From lungs

The past reaches
Through my sternum
Grips my heart
And great vessels
With a massive squeeze

Locus of control
Kicked mightily
Dragging its injured body
Off the battlefield

Worry crafts questions
That ping
Through the body
Like bolts of lightning
Desperate to find an exit
But the longer it
Lives deep
The worse the bruising
The darker the musings

We are inherently vulnerable
To its trickery
A disguised necromancer
Assured that he
Represents solutions
While negative spirals of worth
Begin to pancake
Under their weight

Worry lives where I hide it
And I have an untold number of hiding spaces

2 Replies to “Gripping at Great Vessels”

  1. But alas,
    there is no Future
    likewise that there is no Past –
    there is only now.

    It is not the ghost of yesterday,
    nor the shade of tomorrow
    the punch and grip,
    there is only now, and only you.

    Worry is a shadow,
    the shadow of the Treyminator
    cast by the divine light of that very same Treyminator,
    a self-conjured demon
    empowered through blinding lens
    of time.
    There is only now.
    There is only you.

    The now is a vastness
    beyond the vastness that we can comprehend –
    yet it is the vastness that we know as fact,
    and simply hide with cloud of Tomorrow
    and Yesterday.
    There is only now.

    Breathe in that air.
    Squint your eyes against the light,
    run your tongue along your teeth,
    stop and realize that you know
    you are aware
    you understand now.
    That is all that there is.


  2. oh! A personalized sonnet. I am honored. Is this a dtdeedge original or a nifty AI creation? 🙂

    I havent seen you post anything for a while. Dry spell?

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